Thursday, March 05, 2020

UPDATE - March 2020

It's been an entire year since I've last written one of these update posts, and man is there a lot to tell you about. From a plethora of small improvements behind the scenes to the introduction to our very own YouTube channel (not to mention the many games I've updated and improved), there's a lot to cover. Without further ado, let's jump in...


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Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Calling All Those Wishing To Serve As Selectors To Volunteer...

Under Amanda Pakade's presidency, enormous changes have been effected to further streamline MSSA.
With the selection of any team there are always those who claim that they could have done a better job at selecting the team.

It does not matter which sport it is, it could be rugby, football, netball, hockey, and so forth, but there are always members of the community who are quite vociferous about their opinions.

Sometimes, however, such critics are right.

There is always someone out there that does know better. There is always someone who can make a great contribution.

Thus Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA), being truly aware of the talent that exists in South Africa, has opened the Selection Committee to interested persons who do not have to be Registered Players.

There is now, no reason, to be a side-line selector.

MSSA needs four individuals to be its selectors for 2020. At least two have to be Registered Players, while the other two do not have to be Registered Players.

However, the people elected as Selectors shall sign the Undertaking and keep all discussions confidential.

All Selector's shall be suitably qualified for the role, which shall include, but not be limited to: 
  • previous experience as a selector, 
  • previous international experience as a player or involvement with competitive gaming, 
The emphasis shall always be placed on knowledge of the level of competition required at international level.

Mind Sports South Africa thus requests all interested persons to send in their applications, together with a CV., to by 15 February 2020.

Also read:

Without Map Or Compass

In the original Legend of Zelda the Map and Compass are indispensable for surviving dungeons and reaching the boss. The map shows you the layout of the dungeon and the compass positions you in it.

In the pilgrimage of the Christian life, I think the map would be the teachings of Our Blessed Lord and saviour, preserved in the Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church that He founded- this constitutes the way to Eternal Life.

The compass I think would be the interior life, the daily life of prayer composed of mental prayer, examination of conscience and perhaps above all, the sacrament of confession. Through these powerful means we can discern where we are headed, how we stand with regards to that map, whether we are near the end of the dungeon, close to completing it, or perhaps down a dead end.

How tragic for the worldlings and for the followers of false religions, they have neither map nor compass- where will they end up? They can send Link a thousand times round the dungeon but without map or compass they have little chance of coming out alive.

Praise be Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ for providing us with the Map and Compass in His One True Church.