Saturday, April 25, 2020

Defcon 2015 Coding Skillz 1 Writeup

Just connecting to the service, a 64bit cpu registers dump is received, and so does several binary code as you can see:

The registers represent an initial cpu state, and we have to reply with the registers result of the binary code execution. This must be automated becouse of the 10 seconds server socket timeout.

The exploit is quite simple, we have to set the cpu registers to this values, execute the code and get resulting registers.

In python we created two structures for the initial state and the ending state.

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}

We inject at the beginning several movs for setting the initial state:

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

The 64bit compilation of the movs and the binary code, but changing the last ret instruction by a sigtrap "int 3"
We compile with nasm in this way:

os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

And use GDB to execute the code until the sigtrap, and then get the registers

fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():

We just parse the registers and send the to the server in the same format, and got the key.

The code:

from libcookie import *
from asm import *
import os
import sys

host = ''
port = 9999

cpuRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
finalRegs = {'rax':'','rbx':'','rcx':'','rdx':'','rsi':'','rdi':'','r8':'','r9':'','r10':'','r11':'','r12':'','r13':'','r14':'','r15':''}
fregs = 15

s = Sock(TCP)
s.timeout = 999

data = s.readUntil('bytes:')

#data =
#data = s.readAll()

sz = 0

for r in data.split('\n'):
    for rk in cpuRegs.keys():
        if r.startswith(rk):
            cpuRegs[rk] = r.split('=')[1]

    if 'bytes' in r:
        sz = int(r.split(' ')[3])

binary = data[-sz:]
code = []

print '[',binary,']'
print 'given size:',sz,'bin size:',len(binary)        
print cpuRegs

for r in cpuRegs.keys():
    code.append('mov %s, %s' % (r, cpuRegs[r]))

#print code

fd = open('code.asm','w')

print 'Compilando ...'
os.popen('nasm -f elf64 code.asm')
os.popen('ld -o code code.o ')

print 'Ejecutando ...'
fd = os.popen("gdb code -ex 'r' -ex 'i r' -ex 'quit'",'r')
for l in fd.readlines():
    for x in finalRegs.keys():
        if x in l:
            l = l.replace('\t',' ')
                i = 12
                spl = l.split(' ')
                if spl[i] == '':
                print 'reg: ',x
                finalRegs[x] = l.split(' ')[i].split('\t')[0]
                print 'err: '+l
            fregs -= 1
            if fregs == 0:
                #print 'sending regs ...'
                #print finalRegs
                buff = []
                for k in finalRegs.keys():
                    buff.append('%s=%s' % (k,finalRegs[k]))

                print '\n'.join(buff)+'\n'

                print s.readAll()
                print 'waiting flag ....'
                print s.readAll()

                print '----- yeah? -----'


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Friday, April 24, 2020

PKCE: What Can(Not) Be Protected

This post is about PKCE [RFC7636], a protection mechanism for OAuth and OpenIDConnect designed for public clients to detect the authorization code interception attack.
At the beginning of our research, we wrongly believed that PKCE protects mobile and native apps from the so called „App Impersonation" attacks. Considering our ideas and after a short discussion with the authors of the PKCE specification, we found out that PKCE does not address this issue.
In other words, the protection of PKCE can be bypassed on public clients (mobile and native apps) by using a maliciously acting app.

OAuth Code Flow

In Figure 1, we briefly introduce how the OAuth flow works on mobile apps and show show the reason why we do need PKCE.
In our example the user has two apps installed on the mobile phone: an Honest App and an Evil App. We assume that the Evil App is able to register the same handler as the Honest App and thus intercept messages sent to the Honest App. If you are more interested in this issue, you can find more information here [1].

Figure 1: An example of the "authorization code interception" attack on mobile devices. 

Step 1: A user starts the Honest App and initiates the authentication via OpenID Connect or the authorization via OAuth. Consequentially, the Honest App generates an Auth Request containing the OpenID Connect/OAuth parameters: client_id, state, redirect_uri, scope, authorization_grant, nonce, …. 
Step 2: The Browser is called and the Auth Request is sent to the Authorization Server (usually Facebook, Google, …).
  • The Honest App could use a Web View browser. However, the current specification clearly advice to use the operating system's default browser and avoid the usage of Web Views [2]. In addition, Google does not allow the usage of Web View browser since August 2016 [3].
Step 3: We asume that the user is authenticated and he authorizes the access to the requested resources. As a result, the Auth Response containing the code is sent back to the browser.

Step 4: Now, the browser calls the Honest App registered handler. However, the Evil App is registered on this handler too and receives the code.

Step 5: The Evil App sends the stolen code to the Authorization Server and receives the corresponding access_token in step 6. Now, the Evil App can access the authorized ressources.
  • Optionally, in step 5 the App can authenticate on the Authorization Server via client_id, client_secret. Since, Apps are public clients they do not have any protection mechanisms regarding the storage of this information. Thus, an attacker can easy get this information and add it to the Evil App.

    Proof Key for Code Exchange - PKCE (RFC 7636)

    Now, let's see how PKCE does prevent the attack. The basic idea of PKCE is to bind the Auth Request in Step 1 to the code redemption in Step 5. In other words, only the app generated the Auth Request is able to redeem the generated code.

    Figure 2: PKCE - RFC 7636 

    Step 1: The Auth Request is generated as previosly described. Additionally, two parameters are added:
    • The Honest App generates a random string called code_verifier
    • The Honest App computes the code_challenge=SHA-256(code_verifier)
    • The Honest App specifies the challenge_method=SHA256

    Step 2: The Authorization Server receives the Auth Request and binds the code to the received code_challenge and challenge_method.
    • Later in Step 5, the Authorzation Server expects to receive the code_verifier. By comparing the SHA-256(code_verifier) value with the recieved code_challenge, the Authorization Server verifies that the sender of the Auth Request ist the same as the sender of the code.
    Step 3-4: The code leaks again to the Evil App.

    Step 5: Now, Evil App must send the code_verifier together with the code. Unfortunatelly, the App does not have it and is not able to compute it. Thus, it cannot redeem the code.

     PKCE Bypass via App Impersonation

    Again, PKCE binds the Auth Request to the coderedemption.
    The question rises, if an Evil App can build its own Auth Request with its own code_verifier, code_challenge and challenge_method.The short answer is – yes, it can.

    Figure 3: Bypassing PKCE via the App Impersonation attack
    Step 1: The Evil App generates an Auth Request. The Auth Request contains the client_id and redirect_uri of the Honest App. Thus, the User and the Authorization Server cannot recognize that the Evil App initiates this request. 

    Step 2-4: These steps do not deviate from the previous description in Figure 2.

    Step 5: In Step 5 the Evil App sends the code_verifier used for the computation of the code_challenge. Thus, the stolen code can be successfully redeemed and the Evil App receives the access_token and id_token.

    OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps

    The attack cannot be prevented by PKCE. However, the IETF working group is currently working on a Draft describing recommendations for using OAuth 2.0 for native apps.


    Vladislav Mladenov
    Christian Mainka (@CheariX)

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    Thursday, April 23, 2020


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    How To Spoof PDF Signatures

    One year ago, we received a contract as a PDF file. It was digitally signed. We looked at the document - ignoring the "certificate is not trusted" warning shown by the viewer - and asked ourselfs:

    "How do PDF signatures exactly work?"

    We are quite familiar with the security of message formats like XML and JSON. But nobody had an idea, how PDFs really work. So we started our research journey.

    Today, we are happy to announce our results. In this blog post, we give an overview how PDF signatures work and on top, we reveal three novel attack classes for spoofing a digitally signed PDF document. We present our evaluation of 22 different PDF viewers and show 21 of them to be vulnerable. We additionally evaluated 8 online validation services and found 6 to be vulnerable.

    In cooperation with the BSI-CERT, we contacted all vendors, provided proof-of-concept exploits, and helped them to fix the issues and three generic CVEs for each attack class were issued: CVE-2018-16042CVE-2018-18688CVE-2018-18689.

    Full results are available in the master thesis of Karsten Meyer zu Selhausen, in our security report, and on our website.

    Digitally Signed PDFs? Who the Hell uses this?

    Maybe you asked yourself, if signed PDFs are important and who uses them.
    In fact, you may have already used them.
    Have you ever opened an Invoice by companies such as Amazon, Sixt, or Decathlon?
    These PDFs are digitally signed and protected against modifications.
    In fact, PDF signatures are widely deployed in our world. In 2000, President Bill Clinton enacted a federal law facilitating the use of electronic and digital signatures in interstate and foreign commerce by ensuring the validity and legal effect of contracts. He approved the eSign Act by digitally signing it.
    Since 2014, organizations delivering public digital services in an EU member state are required to support digitally signed documents, which are even admissible as evidence in legal proceedings.
    In Austria, every governmental authority digitally signs any official document [§19]. In addition, any new law is legally valid after its announcement within a digitally signed PDF.
    Several countries like Brazil, Canada, the Russian Federation, and Japan also use and accept digitally signed documents.
    According to Adobe Sign, the company processed 8 billion electronic and digital signatures in the 2017 alone.

    Crash Course: PDF and PDF Signatures

    To understand how to spoof PDF Signatures, we unfortunately need to explain the basics first. So here is a breef overview.

    PDF files are ASCII files. You can use a common text editor to open them and read the source code.

    PDF header. The header is the first line within a PDF and defines the interpreter version to be used. The provided example uses version PDF 1.7. 
    PDF body. The body defines the content of the PDF and contains text blocks, fonts, images, and metadata regarding the file itself. The main building blocks within the body are objects. Each object starts with an object number followed by a generation number. The generation number should be incremented if additional changes are made to the object.
    In the given example, the Body contains four objects: Catalog, Pages, Page, and stream. The Catalog object is the root object of the PDF file. It defines the document structure and can additionally declare access permissions. The Catalog refers to a Pages object which defines the number of the pages and a reference to each Page object (e.g., text columns). The Page object contains information how to build a single page. In the given example, it only contains a single string object "Hello World!".
    Xref table. The Xref table contains information about the position (byte offset) of all PDF objects within the file.
    Trailer. After a PDF file is read into memory, it is processed from the end to the beginning. By this means, the Trailer is the first processed content of a PDF file. It contains references to the Catalog and the Xref table.

    How do PDF Signatures work?

    PDF Signatures rely on a feature of the PDF specification called incremental saving (also known as incremental update), allowing the modification of a PDF file without changing the previous content.
    As you can see in the figure on the left side, the original document is the same document as the one described above. By signing the document, an incremental saving is applied and the following content is added: a new Catalog, a Signature object, a new Xref table referencing the new object(s), and a new Trailer. The new Catalog extends the old one by adding a reference to the Signature object. The Signature object (5 0 obj) contains information regarding the applied cryptographic algorithms for hashing and signing the document. It additionally includes a Contents parameter containing a hex-encoded PKCS7 blob, which holds the certificates as well as the signature value created with the private key corresponding to the public key stored in the certificate. The ByteRange parameter defines which bytes of the PDF file are used as the hash input for the signature calculation and defines 2 integer tuples: 
    a, b : Beginning at byte offset a, the following b bytes are used as the first input for the hash calculation. Typically, a 0 is used to indicate that the beginning of the file is used while a b is the byte offset where the PKCS#7 blob begins.
    c, d : Typically, byte offset c is the end of the PKCS#7 blob, while c d points to the last byte range of the PDF file and is used as the second input to the hash calculation.
      According to the specification, it is recommended to sign the whole file except for the PKCS#7 blob (located in the range between a b and c).


      During our research, we discovered three novel attack classes on PDF signatures:

      1. Universal Signature Forgery (USF)
      2. Incremental Saving Attack (ISA)
      3. Signature Wrapping Attack (SWA)

      In this blog post, we give an overview on the attacks without going into technical details. If you are more interested, just take a look at the sources we summarized for you here.

      Universal Signature Forgery (USF)

      The main idea of Universal Signature Forgery (USF) is to manipulate the meta information in the signature in such a way that the targeted viewer application opens the PDF file, finds the signature, but is unable to find all necessary data for its validation.

      Instead of treating the missing information as an error, it shows that the contained signature is valid. For example, the attacker can manipulate the Contents or ByteRange values within the Signature object. The manipulation of these entries is reasoned by the fact that we either remove the signature value or the information stating which content is signed.
      The attack seems trivial, but even very good implementations like Adobe Reader DC preventing all other attacks were susceptible against USF.

      Incremental Saving Attack (ISA)

      The Incremental Saving Attack (ISA) abuses a legitimate feature of the PDF specification, which allows to update a PDF file by appending the changes. The feature is used, for example, to store PDF annotations, or to add new pages while editing the file.

      The main idea of the ISA is to use the same technique for changing elements, such as texts, or whole pages included in the signed PDF file to what the attacker desires.
      In other words, an attacker can redefine the document's structure and content using the Body Updates part. The digital signature within the PDF file protects precisely the part of the file defined in the ByteRange. Since the incremental saving appends the Body Updates to the end of the file, it is not part of the defined ByteRange and thus not part of the signature's integrity protection. Summarized, the signature remains valid, while the Body Updates changed the displayed content.
      This is not forbidden by the PDF specification, but the signature validation should indicate that the document has been altered after signing.

      Signature Wrapping Attack (SWA)

      Independently of the PDFs, the main idea behind Signature Wrapping Attacks is to force the verification logic to process different data than the application logic.

      In PDF files, SWA targets the signature validation logic by relocating the originally signed content to a different position within the document and inserting new content at the allocated position. The starting point for the attack is the manipulation of the ByteRange value allowing to shift the signed content to different loctions within the file.

      On a very technical level, the attacker uses a validly signed document (shown on the left side) and proceeds as follows:

      • Step 1 (optional): The attacker deletes the padded zero Bytes within the Contents parameter to increase the available space for injecting manipulated objects.
      • Step 2: The attacker defines a new /ByteRange [a b c* d] by manipulating the c value, which now points to the second signed part placed on a different position within the document.
      • Step 3: The attacker creates a new Xref table pointing to the new objects. It is essential that the byte offset of the newly inserted Xref table has the same byte offset as the previous Xref table. The position is not changeable since it is refer- enced by the signed Trailer. For this purpose, the attacker can add a padding block (e.g., using whitespaces) before the new Xref table to fill the unused space.
      • Step 4: The attacker injects malicious objects which are not protected by the signature. There are different injection points for these objects. They can be placed before or after the malicious Xref table. If Step 1 is not executed, it is only possible to place them after the malicious Xref table.
      • Step 5 (optional): Some PDF viewers need a Trailer after the manipulated Xref table, otherwise they cannot open the PDF file or detect the manipulation and display a warning message. Copying the last Trailer is sufficient to bypass this limitation.
      • Step 6: The attacker moves the signed content defined by c and d at byte offset c*. Optionally, the moved content can be encapsulated within a stream object. Noteworthy is the fact that the manipulated PDF file does not end with %%EOF after the endstream. The reason why some validators throw a warning that the file was manipulated after signing is because of an %%EOF after the signed one. To bypass this requirement, the PDF file is not correctly closed. However, it will be still processed by any viewer.


      In our evaluation, we searched for desktop applications validating digitally signed PDF files. We analyzed the security of their signature validation process against our 3 attack classes. The 22 applications fulfill these requirements. We evaluated the latest versions of the applications on all supported platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux).

      Authors of this Post

      Vladislav Mladenov
      Christian Mainka
      Karsten Meyer zu Selhausen
      Martin Grothe
      Jörg Schwenk


      Many thanks to the CERT-Bund team for the great support during the responsible disclosure.
      We also want to acknowledge the teams which reacted to our report and fixed the vulnerable implementations.

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